You can rest easy knowing we have experience working with numerous platforms and applications, as well as with small and large networks. No project is too small or company too large for us when it comes to providing the right business solution for you through our extensive partner network.

At Your Service

Our story...

Since 1995, our founding partner, Mike Rogers has been working with organizations globally to help them be more effective and efficient in running their business operations. Over the past 20 years as a leader in a number of global organizations he has developed a proven business transformation methodology (PFAS©) that has been used in international, national and local businesses as well as non-profit organizations.

Holagen Services Group was formed in 2016 and is comprised of a network of consultants and industry professionals world-wide who specialise in delivering projects and solutions to companies large and small. Our goal is to maximize your organisations potential while ensuring the most cost effective solutions possible to achieve that potential.

We do this by focusing on always letting you do what is most important...Running your business...and by helping you with the things that can bog down any operation's effectiveness such as sub-optimal operational processes, mis-aligned technology solutions, disconnected technology investment focus to business strategy, or a lack of long term strategic plans. All of these things require diligent and deliberate effort and some details often go un-noticed by the business until it is too late.